Fodder Forest, Victoria Point, QLD

Fodder Forest in Victoria Point, QLD has a fenced Dog Off Leash area.

The exact location of this Dog Off Leash area, needs more explanation other than Fodder Forest as, looking at the map, this covers a large area, including a residential area.  It seems this may be an old name for the area now on either side of School Road.

The following satellite map shows a rectangular area in the top left hand corner, this is the dog off leash area, just to the left of the Victoria Point Junior school playing fields.

The road junction shown, is at Link Road and Colburn Avenue.

[mappress mapid=”3″]

Another fenced dog off leash area appear to be in the Northern part of Fodder Forrest near to Cameron Court, just off Aspect Drive.

The rectangle at the top of this map appears to show the area.

[mappress mapid=”4″]

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