If your business is included on this site, which it should be, as a basic listing is totally FREE, and you would like to control what appears on the page, including advert removals, then you are reading the right section….
Some “Local” information websites charge $600 + vat for 12 months for a similar page option.
We are charging $50 with no VAT, as we are not VAT registered due to low income. (This began as a hobby, not a money making exercise, but if I can earn a small income, AND provide a low cost service, then we both win.)
What do you get for the $600 compared to the $50 ?
This can be checked very easily…, the aim of advertising is to get YOUR name out in front of the readers, and the easy way to check is to Google what your customers are looking for.
The longer a web page has been active then the better its chances of being found on Google, so to check one of my original pages, I Googled for: “Justice of the peace victoria point”.
This is the result I got, excluding of course the “Paid For” results at the very top:
My site isn’t yet at the top, but I feel that the results are not bad for the price. 2nd place overall and even ABOVE Yahoo.com.au, and only just below one major Directory information site costing 13 times as much as mine. And to think, I haven’t even officially launched this site yet 🙂
How do you obtain the ability to edit your own page ?
- Register on this site,
- Send a message to me via the sites internal message system requesting the $50 annual package
- I will then reply with payment details, and upgrade your account to allow you to edit your own page.
What changes can be made to the page after payment of the Annual Fee ?
- The first change will be the removal of the side bar adverts. You can see an example of as FREE listing here, and a Premium Paid Listing HERE.
- You can edit any of the details, including the title, although we do require a consistent Name-Suburb-Telephone format to keep the index pages working correctly.
- You can add maps, pictures and much more detail to describe your business.
- You can have a professionally designed page incorporated if you wish to do so, at extra cost either via your own options or via us.
- You can add your direct website link, email addresses etc.