2011 Census QuickStats in Redland City, Queensland

Figures taken from the 2011 Census

Redland City


67,886 Males 49%
70,780 Females 51%
138,666 Total

Age Groups:

27.4% Aged 14 and under
58.1% Aged between 20 and 64
14.5% Aged 65 and over
Median age of 39

There are 39,125 Families in the Redland Census area, with an average of 1.9 children per family.


55,390 Private dwellings with an average of 2.7 people per household

46.0% Property with 4 or more bedrooms
38.1% Property with 3 Bedrooms
11.3% Property with 2 Bedrooms
3.3% Property with 1 or no Bedrooms (Bedsitters)

31.7% Property owned outright
40.5% Property owned with a mortgage
24.4% Rented
3.3% Other


$1,365 Median weekly household income
$ 462 Median weekly mortgage repayments ($2,000 per month)
$ 350 Median weekly rent


1.9 motor vehicles per average dwelling

Country of Birth:

73.4% Australia 101,847
7.1% England 9,803
5.5% New Zealand 7,597
1.5% South Africa 2,011
1.0% Scotland 1,351
0.6% Germany 783


People who reported being in the labour force, aged 15 years and over

  • 60.0% Worked full-time 43,058
  • 29.2% Worked part-time 20,963
  • 5.5% Away from work 3,934
  • 5.4% Unemployed 3,851
  • 71,806 Total in the Labour force

Employment Status of Couples

  • 23.3% Both employed, worked full-time
  • 23.2% One employed full-time, one part-time
  • 18.8% Both not working
  • 14.5% One employed full-time, other not working
  • 4.5% One employed part-time, other not working
  • 3.4% Both employed part-time
  • 12.2% Other/Not Stated
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