Full-time university, TAFE or post-secondary student travelling on public transport?

Are you a Queensland full-time university, TAFE or post-secondary student travelling on public transport?

The Department of Transport and Main Roads has introduced a new Tertiary Transport Concession Card (TTCC) throughout Queensland.

Eligible tertiary/post-secondary students have from now until 30 June 2014 to apply for the new TTCC. From 1 July 2014, you’ll be required to have your TTCC and student identification card to purchase and travel on a concession fare in Queensland.

The new TTCC is your ‘ticket’ to 50% off fares on approved public transport anywhere in Queensland and is valid for up to 12 months. For more information on the new TTCC, full details on eligibility and how to apply, visit translink.com.au/tertiarycard


To be eligible for a Tertiary Transport Concession Card you must meet all of the following criteria:

  • reside in Queensland;
  • be enrolled in and attending a course:
    • at a university, TAFE or other post-secondary institution in Queensland (unless otherwise approved by the Department of Transport and Main Roads) that is registered with the department;
    • that is approved by Centrelink for Austudy, Abstudy or Youth Allowance purposes, or studying at a post-graduate level;
  • be a full time student enrolled on an internal basis. To be considered full time:
    • a university student must be enrolled full time, as deemed by their university; or
    • students attending an institution other than a university must be enrolled in a course of study requiring at least 12 hours per week of classes for a minimum course duration of 12 weeks.

The following customers are not eligible for a TTCC:

  • interstate residents
  • part-time students
  • students undertaking all subjects externally, online or via correspondence
  • students enrolled in a course that is not ‘approved’ by Centrelink for Austudy, Abstudy or Youth Allowance purposes.
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