Election 2015: LNP broke promise and 24,000 QLD Government workers lost their jobs

Has Campbell Newman broken public sector promises?

“Before the 2012 election, Campbell Newman promised government workers had nothing to fear from an LNP Government,” Ms Palaszczuk said.

“We know that he broke that promise and 24,000 Queensland Government workers lost their jobs under the LNP.”

That is the current story from the ALP Leaders website: http://annastacia.com.au

HOWEVER, to maintain the FULL story, her website also says:

Opposition Leader Annastacia Palaszczuk said that when the Premier was asked if he would again promise no more job cuts, he failed to do so.

When did he promise NO CUTS? April 2011, a year before the Election.
When did he refuse to agree to NO CUTS. Just a few months before the Election ?

What really happened?

What did the Liberal National Party leader actually say before he won office and how does it match up with the cuts that are now happening?

In a December 2011 interview, Mr Newman told brisbanetimes.com.au the total size of the public service was in his sights although he wasn’t keen to use the word “cuts”.

Campbell Newman: “Well I’m saying that we do need to see over time through attrition a reduction in the overall headcount

The Bligh ALP Government at the time was also in the process of farewelling 3,500 public servants in an attempt to save money.

December 6, 2011 http://www.brisbanetimes.com.au/queensland/has-newman-broken-public-sector-promises-20120805-23l4q.htm

Where and WHEN was the actual PROMISE ?

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