Redlands named Queensland’s top sustainable city 2012

The Redlands has been named Queensland’s most sustainable city for 2012 for the second time (2010) in three years by “Keep Australia Beautiful Queensland”.

Redland City Council won four of the eight award categories in the competition. The top categories included; water conservation, energy innovation, young legends and resource recovery and waste management.

Redlands will now compete nationally for the title of Australia’s most sustainable city in November.

Redland City Mayor, Karen Williams, said the prestigious award is fantastic recognition of the sustainability achievements by Council.

“Council is committed to best practice in sustainability for its operations as well as delivering positive social and environmental outcomes for the community. We are also undertaking many of these projects because it makes financial sense to do so.

“Over the past six years Council has delivered a number of innovative projects across community programs, water and energy efficiency and waste management,” Mayor Williams continued.

“Council has initiated some innovative recycling programs to divert waste from landfill.
For example, a mattress recycling program sees on average 45 mattresses per month diverted from landfill,” the Mayor said.

“We are the first council in Queensland to implement a polystyrene recycling program at waste transfer stations, diverting over 14 tonnes of polystyrene material during 2011-12.

“In total 62 per cent of waste is sent from the waste transfer stations for recycling or reuse across the city,” she added.

“Over 5,600 residents have saved over 1230 tonnes of green waste from landfill by using the new kerbside green waste collection program launched in October 2011.

“The bin waste menu options available for residents have also resulted in 2845 households’ upsizing their recycling bin, and a further 6000 downsizing their waste or recycling bin in the last 12 months,” the Mayor said.

“Council itself has not only achieved significant waste management savings but has initiated energy innovation projects that have helped put money back in our ratepayer services.

“These projects have saved 1,326,925kWh of electricity and a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions of 1,167 tonnes; generating an annual saving of approximately $129,000.

“Outside of our energy efficiency program, we have also supported a number of initiatives aimed at engaging the younger members of our community that have been recognised by the award,” she added.

“Water conservation has also been a key priority for Council with water tank installation across a range of Council sites saving approximately 500kL per annum.

The Mayor continued, “All new toilet amenities in the Redlands are also fitted with water tanks that are plumbed to their operation”.

“The Redlands IndigiScapes Centre hosts ‘IndigiKids’, a program with 34 children aged between 8 to 12 years old participating in environmental workshops and fun activities.

“Council also provides a ‘Free Trees for Schools’ program through IndigiScapes that gives away 100 free native plants to each school in the Redlands,” the Mayor said.

“I want to thank the residents of the Redlands for their involvement in Council programs and their enthusiasm in caring and protecting our environment. It is their commitment that has led to our success as a sustainable Council and winning this award,” Mayor Williams said.

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